
SaaS Multiples

Male Perfection - Took this at Macy’s circa 2018

The young stale memories of play the role to your part. Librarian find me the pole, the one that kicks your head in. To my own time, roll your own innocence by…

Debate to understand that we all have a flaw. Then fail to represent your life as you know it. God grant you one wish to turn back the time. Correct and create, making sense of…

Maria, my star, Matthew, goodnight. You know by Lord when you’ll be forgiven. ~ Coheed & Cambria

Time Consumer

“The Second Stage Turbine Blade” by Coheed & Cambria is a great album. Caveat, I started listening to this in 2002. I was in high school and drove a white 99 Ford Explorer. I don’t think it holds up as a first time listen to anyone in their late thirties.

The lyrics hit. Being vague I atrribute their meaning to my life. Good or bad, doesn’t matter, I like it.


I make all of my money via the internet. Mainly through domain names and apps (not phone apps). I call it SaaS, your dad may call it a website, your nerdy cousin may call it a web application. Doesn’t matter. It’s shit on the internet.

I am no longer paying for dinners for my friends. And I no longer consider them friends. I won’t tell them why, I will just slowly disengage until they fuck off.

Perspective & Selfishness

I used to have a group of 6 very close friends I knew since childhood. We were all successful in our own regard but individually suffered from an addiction in one form or another. I stopped associating with them a few years ago in hopes it would relieve me of my own addictions. It did not.

My current group of aquaintances is neither capable nor savvy. They get through life on meager means, usually scraping by on a middle class fantasy. Which is fine, we can’t all be winners.

Here’s my beef. I always pay for dinner when we go out. This day has come to an end.

Reasoning (for 30ish people):

  • They never log in, let alone pay for any of the apps I create.
  • Let’s say the cost per year for an app is $250. They easily recoup this in free dinners. I’d estimate $500 per acquaintance per year on my dinner cost.
  • Instead, I have to get complete strangers on the internet to pay for them.
  • Fucking me out of more money - $250 cost per year * 30 Humans = $7,500/year. But let’s take a multiple of 4x when I sell the app. Puts us at $30K. Plus the money which I would have received and we are almost at 40K. That’s a lot more free dinners.


Is this selfish and petty? Yes, absolutely. Still, I feel a need to rub people’s faces in their own shit when they are wrong. And this petty example is where most of my aquaintances have failed in their lives. And how I have failed in mine.

Instead of both winning we are now both losing. Fuck your dinner.

Worst of all, these people make me question my own competence. How did I become so bad that these are the people I am left to hang out with? You don’t know how to login? Cool.

Maybe I have ruined my own life. Which is too painful to grasp at the moment.

Final Thoughts

I need new friends.

And fuck SaaS multiples.

“Purchase guilt, lose at a cost that has no price”

Good morning sunshine awake when the sun hits the sky. Look up the sounds that surround the day you died. She waits for me outside near a hole in the ground. In the one way thinking you might get the upper hand. …

Dear Newo Ikkin how’s Apollo been treating you? Has he been a good boy since the day I left? Give him my love and a sweet kiss for his head. Cause I won’t be coming home, when you get this I’ll be dead. …

I’ve spent so long sitting down here, Paper cut my heart in half and discard the evidence. When it’s yours come send me the last half Dowsed in kerosene in a torched, blazed blood bath. When boy sets fire god knows you’ve lost at a cost that has no price, When you’ve purchased guilt. Stand at attention and make sure you know your lines and yourself ~ “Junesong Provision” by Coheed & Cambria

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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