
Everyone is a piece of shit

Ronnie Walker Great song: Ronnie Walker ~ I really really love you

I want to live in the city with no friends or family. I’m gonna look out the window of my color TV… ~ A different city.

Funny, I just wrote this post on dinners…

Penny a& the Quarters Penny & the Quarters

Dinner at Morton’s

Welp, put another feather in the cap of humanity. I went to an AA dinner at Morton’s. Pretty embarrassing overall. A bunch of 50 and 60 year olds, half of whom acted like they had never been out to a dinner before. Over 200 years of combined sobriety at the table. And we were 400 dollars short on the bill. Well done, boys. Fucking well done.

The Miracles The Miracles (I can’t find a photo that doesn’t appear AI generated)

AA Career Fair

Delusional self confidence, while dangerous, often carries more reward than risk. For me anyway.

I woke up at 5:30 am. Went to AA at 7:45 am. I am the coffee boy. Saw Cameron in Costa Mesa for 45 minutes. Bought chips at the AA store at 11:30. Went to the AA Career Fair at 12. Was home by 12:15 pm.

Was not a career fair.

Four Tops Four Tops - Why do all these photos look fake?

Depression or Sobriety or Both?

My favorite person in my sober living, Isaak (not his real name) just relapsed.

Isaak was a very likable, unlikable person. And I hope he can navigate whatever it is he is going through. I’m debating on whether to reach out by sending him this post.


Or is it being sober? Or is it the lack of Alcohol? Reality, perhaps? Or, maybe, the crushing weight of the unknown.

Martha and the Vandellas Great song: Martha and the Vandellas ~ Jimmy Mack

Another IT Issue

From now on. If anyone asks me what I do for work, I work at Payless Shoes, I start training in 2 weeks, as a part-time night shift assistant janitor. I never went to college. I didn’t graduate high school. I grew up in Dubuque, Iowa and my favorite sport is anime.

Thank you.

Fats Domino Fats Domino

The end

I grew up playing the piano. Yamaha Music School brothaaaa.

How I know I’m getting old. I learned how to play Blueberry Hill by Fats Domino when I was 6. I used to look at the picture above and think, “I’ll never be that old”. Now, I’m 36 and I look older.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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