
Eponyms Brotha

just joshin

A cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities. ~ Dunning–Kruger effect

Beatles are Best

Most people are unaware that the word “goal” is named for Henry Goal, born circa 1123 on what is present day Tempe, AZ (mear the Barry Goldwater Mall).

Did he accomplish said goal, you may ask yourself? Well, I guess you’ll just have to stay tuned you fucking worthless piece of shit.

Would you fuck an alien?

I would. I for sure would.

What if it is a metaphysical being and you are unable to fuck it?

Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.


Brick in the head

The majority of conversations I have… I end up thinking what it would be like to bash that person’s head in with a brick. Mainly women and weak men.

Like how can I trap them, are they going to scream, would they fight back, are they fast enough to get away, all the weird shit they’d say when they are begging to live, what I would do immediately afterwards.

Then I remember, I just want to fit in.

And nothing is real.

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