
everything evil in you

The tears are about to begin.
And the ecstasy is kickin’ in.
We’re gettin’ ready for the next phase.
Dear God please just take me to a different place.

I want to feel it in my heart again.
Jesus baby fill me with your love again.\

Gimme gimme somethin’ to believe in.
Pink Mercedes fill me with your love again

merkle tree with a touch of downs

“Now see hear, my god-daughter, well, she’s not really my god daughter but I call her as such because Evan asked me to when we were all in Ensenada. We was celebratin her 4 and a half birthday. Now, see, we celebrate it on November 4th but really it’s October 27th because this one time Julia couldn’t get back from Pep Boys in time and we all had a good laugh about it. Ahh, Julia, man…

You know the Yamaha kbr-x-4000? The one with the aluminum siding? Not the chrome siding like those shitty kbr-x-250s. God those things used to frustrate me like no other man. Annoy the shit out of me. So then I got it for her and she was like, Andy, you didn’t get me the 880s? Can you believe that shit?

It’s always better to go in ass first. My dad was a mechanical engineer and I got a full ride to UCSD but i just fucking hated my therapist at the time and it didn’t work out for me. Guy did a lot of fucked up shit that really fucked me up man. Told me to kill myself and shit. Told me I should like get run over by a car. Fucked up my childhood like really bad, man…”


That’s an excerpt from earlier today.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Was this supposed to be a conversation? Maybe you felt like relentlessly spewing shit all over my brain. I don’t get it.

Daily Reflections

Death is a major upgrade.

I went to a guy’s house today and I wouldn’t wish his life upon anyone. He must have done some seriously fucked up shit in his past lives.

But then if you lied to a man about his talent just because he was sitting across from you, that was the most unforgivable lie of them all, because that was telling him to go on, to continue which was the worst way for a man without real talent to waste his life, finally. But many people did just that, friends and relatives mostly. ~ Bukowski

Elon Musk’s Algorithm

Here’s my Algorithm:

  1. Fuck, I don’t want to do this.
  2. I wonder if it’d be less work to kill myself. No, that’s more work.
  3. I can’t not do it.
  4. Fuck it, I’ll do it.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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