
Gone Sharkin'

Meme - As suggested to use by my loving girlfirend

“Colour my life with the chaos of trouble, ‘Cause anything’s better than posh isolation” ~ Belle & Sebastian

On the Radio

Playing songs for children…


It’s a curious facet of human nature: folks tend to get riled up over the most trivial matters, yet when it comes to the monumental act of squandering one’s own life - Marching forward in a daze, scarcely aware of the colossal opportunity slipping through their fingers…

They’ll lose their temper over a misplaced set of keys or politics, but the slow erosion of their dreams, passions, and potential rarely registers.


Something - By Willy


After showing my sponsor, this entire section has been redacted.

Previously, it was anonymous fucked up text messages. Fairly graphic and insane by nature. I would like to emphasize they were screen shots & anonymous. Oh well.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to text messaging, less is more.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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